When Do Startups Need Legal Representation?
When you start a business, there are likely occasions on which you already know it might be best to consult an expert on a particular subject…
Five Tips for Negotiating a Commercial Real Estate Transaction
If you have ever owned a business or managed the operations for a business of any size, you’ll know that a commercial lease is an essential…
Common Healthcare Litigation Issues
The complex healthcare industry today contains legal matters that may range from fraud, to statute violations, to contract claims, to employment discrimination. Some of these issues…
Incentivizing Employees with Equity: What to Know
Many Texas business owners face whether and how to give their employees an equity interest in their company during the lifespan of their business. Here’s what…
Business Law Breakdown: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
State and federal law prohibit sex discrimination in the workplace. Sex discrimination occurs when an employee is treated differently because of that person’s sex or gender…
Legal Tips for Growing Tech Companies
If you’re the CEO, COO, or CIO of a growing technology company, you’re likely facing a myriad of challenges in order to sustain growth and maintain…
Business Law Breakdown: The Texas Citizens Participation Act
The Texas Citizens Participation Act (TCPA) covers more than you think. In 2011, the Texas legislature passed Chapter 27 of the civil practices and remedies code,…
Common Real Estate Legal Issues
Real estate transactions can be complex and present a variety of legal issues and potential hazards. From buyers who feel that the property was misrepresented, to…
What Businesses Should Know About Terminating Remote Employees
Terminating an employee is challenging and can give rise to a number of legal issues. Terminating a remote employee can present different issues and can be…