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Navigating Business Issues Around the Dissolution of Marital Property in Texas

Business Law Breakdown: Navigating the Business Issues Around the Dissolution of Marital Property

Divorce can result in big issues for the owner or officer of a company. While Richards Rodriguez & Skeith doesn’t practice divorce law, we do work with divorce lawyers and companies to resolve the complex business issues that the dissolution of marital property may present.

The struggle lies not only in determining how the business assets should be split but also in the steps required to enable the division.

We Can Help

The business practices group at Richards Rodriguez & Skeith are seasoned business attorneys who can help divorce lawyers, their clients, and businesses understand your ownership interests and how to work through these complexities.

We Have Your Interests In Mind

This is true for an existing ownership interest or an equity interest. We can assist with the valuation of the business, help negotiate the transaction terms, and prepare all the transaction documents. Our team has great experience representing the parties on either side. Some of these transactions may involve the valuation and division of assets like real estate or unusual assets like intellectual property. We understand these transactions and can help facilitate them to implement them correctly.

You Have Options

In addition, the business practices group at Richards Rodriguez & Skeith works with companies to understand the options a company and other equity interest owners have if one of them is going through a divorce.

Some provisions can be added to an ownership agreement that can protect the company from changing hands if one of the owners goes through a divorce. This ensures that the company’s management is not disrupted and can continue to accomplish its goals.

Have questions about the dissolution of marital property and how it will affect your business? Contact our experienced legal team for assistance.

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